John eldredge wild at heart review
John eldredge wild at heart review

john eldredge wild at heart review

The book was clearly designed to ride the wave of Eldredge’s previous success, and most notably his best-seller Wild at Heart. I attempted to be as objective as possible when reading the book, but found it to be nearly impossible. I say this to preface my review to John Eldredge’s latest book, Captivating. A person whose theology once seemed rock-solid, could, unfortunately, write a book later in life that seemed to be anything but orthodox. It is not unusual for an author to come to better or worse understandings as his life progresses. It is not entirely fair to cast presuppositions gained from previous books onto an author’s later works. After all, each book should be taken on its own merits. When I read and review a book I attempt to do so as objectively as possible.

John eldredge wild at heart review